Life & Money, Aligned

Welcome! We founded Alignment Financial Planning to help people increase their financial literacy and take control of their financial lives. Statistics like “the #1 cause of divorce is money issues” and “8 out of 10 American families are living paycheck to paycheck” demonstrate that most people need help navigating the complexities of money and wealth. The foundational concepts and strategies that lead to a secure financial future are simply not taught in conventional education systems, and the “traditional” financial advisor is laden with conflicts of interest and/or limited to one particular product or service specialty – leaving  clients with insufficient advice at best. We believe that with really good financial advice that aligns with your values, everyone has the chance to change the future of their family tree.

Feel free to look around, get comfortable with who we are, why we do it, and what we do. We would love for you to contact us when you are ready.

Until then, please download our Steps of Financial Alignment PDF and have a Blessed day!